Launch Offer! Hurry Offer Ends This Sunday 27th March Midnight!

You Could Create Deep, True Love – Harnessing the Power of The Body Code.
The "Find Your Soulmate Program" is a comprehensive Evaluation Form and Step-by-Step Session Guide that identifies exactly what you might need in order to end sabotage around relationships, so you can perform targeted energy healing using the "Body Code". You could finally create and nurture the relationships you really want!
What "Christian" and "Jan" said about this program:
In 2019, I did the Heart-Wall session and the "Find Your Soulmate Program" online with Sami, I must admit that it took me a long time to start this work on myself, and Sami's help was very valuable. I was in a distance relationship that could not evolve, but all of this allowed me to move forward, close this chapter of my life and a new door opened this summer. I have met a wonderful woman and I am totally thriving with her. I strongly recommend you this therapy. Christian R. - When I got to know Sami better, he told me about the emotion code method, how it is possible to solve negative emotions. I was interested in his approach. Since I was convinced that a lot of negative emotions had accumulated in me during my life and nothing was happening in my single life, I booked the so-called Heart-Wall and "Find Your Soulmate Program" with him. It was exciting to see how Sami could solve my Heart-Wall. In three sessions, he was able to completely reduce the Heart-Wall to zero. When this happened,
I noticed a big change in a positive sense. Suddenly I was no longer so thoughtful, I was no longer negative, but neutral, I walked around with a laugh and realied that I could be more open towards other people. I got this openness back from people as well, which was very good. So the first step was taken. Even though I felt very good, I was aware that the goal of being able to have a relationship in the near future had not yet been achieved. So I booked a second package from Sami, the "Find Your Soulmate Program". Since Sami was in Portugal and I was in Switzerland, personal therapy was only possible over the phone. In contrast,
I was rather skeptical because I appreciated the personal contact in the same room from the first therapy. However, this skepticism quickly resolved. The method of solving the negative emotions over the phone worked just as well. Every session brought me more and more liberation. It took between four and five sessions of 60 minutes each until Sami was able to resolve all negative blockages. Finally, Sami informed me that there were no more negative emotions to be seen. But what changed effectively for my life? It may sound strange, but after a few months I got to know the woman with whom I moved in after only three months and who have been happily in love for almost a year and a half. It is great for me to see that Sami's work with me bore fruit so well and that I can now lead a happy and uncomplicated life. Therefore I can warmly recommend Sami's programs from Startfeelingfree to everyone who wants to solve negative emotions and blockages!
Jan. S.
Your 10 Week Transformation
First step will remove your "Heart-Wall". Second step will go through the "Find Your Soulmate Program" a in-depth 10 section workbook that can help you identify key subconscious issues. Section 1: Information about you, your feelings about relationships and your conflict resolution Section 2: Pain Evaluation Section 3: Family History and Trauma Section 4: Conscious Awareness Evaluation Section 5: Visualization Exercise Section 6: Positive Beliefs Section 7: Negative Beliefs Section 8: Connection and Nurture Mode Section 9: Goal Alignment Section 10: Cords & Vows. We will also set an Intention that is the most powerful force.
Your "Connection Mode", "Nurture Mode", "Goal Alignment" and "Allowance" need to be at 100% and "Resistance of being in a relationship needs to be 0% " so you create the right environment for love, attract, nurture and manifest soulful true love with your Soulmate.
After finishing the "Find Your Soulmate Program" your *chances to attract your Soulmate are up to 94% ! *no guarantee but I guarantee you that I will do my very best to help you find and attract your Soulmate! Why I can't give you a guarantee that you will succeed your asking? Even if I work on you and remove your blocks and emotional baggage but your thinking and feelings are negative, you are focusing on what you don't have or what you have lost, dwelling in your past hurts, have lack of self love and self worth and hold grudges, you won't have the right frequency to attract your Soulmate! It's very important to elevate your vibration to a state of love, peace, joy and gratitude, it's about the "Law of Vibration" and the "Law of Attraction", you attract what you are and what you believe, it's all about energy.
For very difficult cases (like my case) it takes more work, time, work with other healing methods, also "timing" is a component that me and no one can do something about it!
You have to have a positive mindset, keep working on yourself and be patient and trust your divine timing...
What if I tell you that "Christian" & "Jan" did around 10 sessions to remove their blocks to attract their Soulmates! No it doesn't take years of therapy nor thousands of dollars but it will need some effort and commitment from you! Now each person has different blocks and emotional baggage but usually in my experience it takes around 10 sessions, it can take less or more. If it takes less we can use the sessions for other issues that you would like to work on.
Testimonials from clients that just released their Heartwalls:
After a 13-year relationship and a burnout, I didn't feel well. I had doubts about everything, negative thoughts, etc. Sami then said to me, let's work on your Heart-Wall and I got involved. And I have to say that some things have changed afterwards, I have become more open again and my positive charisma has returned. After a few months I got to know my current partner and we had our son, whom I am very proud of. At that time I would not have thought that it's possible. I am very grateful to you, dear Sami, keep it up
Jenny L.
After 12 years of marriage and relationship break ups I found myself single for the first time since my 20ies! I thought i give the heart wall removal a go - no doubt there was some baggage and ... you wouldn't think that at 42 years of age i now have more males interested in me than ever from Jasy with love THANK YOU Sami
Jasmin D.
Dear Sami, since my Heart-Wall (it was huge!!!) is gone, I'm very good! Shortly thereafter, I met my boyfriend and I was finally able to receive love properly and allow happiness. I was able to make a whole new wonderful experiences and I am pleased. We recently moved in together and we are very happy. After the sessions I feel a big, positive change, Heartfelt thanks! Nina M.
Sami removed my heart-wall in a few sessions and it affected my professional success and my love life. I have recently met my love and we are having a baby. I'm just thankful! You are the best. Anatol W.
Launch Offer!
For the launch of the "Find Your Soulmate Program" 10 Week Program I offer you a Super Discount, instead of 797€ only for 497€ for 10x60min. 1:1 sessions!! You save 300€ and a lot of frustration, years from your life, energy, effort and heartaches!
You are only 10 sessions away to find and attract your soulmate! You can keep trying to figure it out by yourself and lose years of your life, lose your energy, lose your nerves,
keep getting disappointed, rejected, abandoned, hurt, broken hearted and stay single and lonely or hire me as your expert to help you find and attract your soulmate, the choice is yours! If you always do what you always done you'll always get what you always gotten! You can't keep doing the same thing and expect another result! You can but you go nowhere like this! You need to change your strategy and the strategy is to remove your blocks and emotional baggage, raise your frequency so you attract your soulmate NATURALLY..
"Your dreams will only come true if you take action"
Decide NOW and Take Action to transform your life and experience soulful true love with your soulmate. But Hurry Offer Ends This Sunday 27th March Midnight:
Still hesitating? Schedule a Free Consultation so I can answer your all your questions and I will release 3 root causes so that you can experience the "Body Code", book your appointment Today:
Experience a 60min. "Jump Start Session" for just 47€ instead of 88€!!
This session we will Jump Start your healing journey and introduce you to the Emotion Code & Body Code, explain you the process and we will work on what you would like to.
This session will help you decide to take the "Find Your Soulmate Program".
If you try it and your not happy, you get your money back!
Book it here:
Or Join My Free Zoom Call This Saturday!
I will explain and introduce to you the "Find Your Soulmate Program"
Topic: "Find Your Soulmate Program"
Time: Mar 26, 2022 05:00 PM WET Lisbon or London Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 929 0484 7537
Looking forward to helping you find and attract your Soulmate
Your Body Code Expert
Sami Fakhreddine