Dear Blog Readers,
I wish you and your families "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" and that in 2024 you will experience more health, joy, abundance and happiness.
I had most of this year off so that´s why you didn't hear from me, I've been working a lot on myself in the background but now I'm back.
So what's new??
I came across a new Method of healing and it's "Spiritual Response Therapy"!
Have you heard about it? If not here, here is the explanation:
Finding "Spiritual Response Therapy"
I've been looking for a long time for another healing tool and at the end of 2022 a friend told me about "Spiritual Response Therapy" and we exchanged sessions and I loved the results that I felt. I loved this tool because it works directly with the Soul (Akashic) Records, with the help of "High Self" and it identifies, clears and replaces discordant programs from this life and past lives. It also clears subconscious blocks, harmful energies, interferences and much much more. So I'm really looking forward to introducing you to this super powerful Method that is transforming my life and hope yours too.
Spiritual Response Therapy
Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a quick and accurate spiritual healing technique that
helps you remove blocks that prevent you from living a happier life. SRT works on a spiritual level to help eliminate spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical challenges. Although a spiritual healing method it can enhance all areas of life. SRT is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives, enabling us to live our lives more freely.
This “research,” which is accomplished with the help of higher guidance (your “High Self”), includes finding past life energies, subconscious blocks, and negative soul programming. Once identified, these blocks and negative energies can be cleared from the subconscious, soul (Akashic) records, allowing you to heal yourself on all levels. SRT was developed by Robert E. Detzler.
With Spiritual Response Therapy, you use your muscle responses to bypass your conscious mind and negative programming to connect with the subconscious and your guidance within. A pendulum is used as a movement amplifier and pointer as you communicate with your High Self using a special set of charts. You can replace old programs with positive energy and inner peace. The result of this work has assisted thousands of people to live clearer, more joyful lives. SRT can clear past lives and negative energies that are keeping you from attaining your highest expression!
So what are you waiting for? Book a SRT Session Today: https://www.startfeelingfree.com/booking-calendar/bc-or-srt-session-2?referral=service_list_widget
Or Book from the Shop: https://www.startfeelingfree.com/product-page/body-code-session-60min
New Launch
I created and released the "Blast Your Negative Patterns Package" With this package we will work on your "repeated negative Patterns" in one or several areas of your life that are keeping you stuck in a loop over and over again. What patterns are you running? Are you running Patterns of rejection? Abandonment? Dependency? Attracting the wrong partners? Any Ancestral patterns? There is so many! First step is to identify them and High Self will confirm if you have them, after identifying them, will clear them.
Don't wait anymore to clear your negative repeated patterns and free yourself of these negative loops! Book this package 3x60min. TODAY and get -10% OFF (-30% with the Christmas Sale): https://www.startfeelingfree.com/booking-calendar/blast-your-negative-patterns-program?category=b70a9b83-ef30-49cc-9c01-0f3bbd8077a1&referral=service_list_widget
Or BOOK NOW from the Shop: https://www.startfeelingfree.com/product-page/abundance-program-3x60min
Christmas Sale
Grab this Christmas Sale and get -20% on all my Services, Coupon Code: CS23
Offer ends 31.Dec., Coupon is valid for one purchase.
Looking forward to helping you transform your life in 2024.
Blessings and enjoy the festive season.
Your Body Code Expert and SRT Practitioner
Sami Fakhreddine